"The only way to be truly satisfied, is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do." Steve Jobs
Once "inking" gets into your veins you will never be able to live without it. Frank J. Garcia

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Recall: more details

I'll be posting thing that I'm finding in this unit that I got after the recall.
  1. This eo runs cooler than my previous one when it's connected to its power supply.

  2. After the audio driver update I got a noise at the beginning of any sound that now no longer exist.

Tip: if you have your Mac address filter activated in your router do not forget to update it with the new mac address of your new eo.


  1. Great news.

    By the way, did you try that Q1screen rotation utility?

    If it doesn't work could you try and see if Acrobat Reader's rotation works?

  2. I'll check acrobat reader, about this other tool I think that the author tried to implement some of those Microsoft features that never work well and there is not way to download the tool. In another hand, the author has disappeared! Something that does not take me by surprise, that common in freewares ;-)

  3. I just checked out the thread you were posting on here
    Michael Venini put up another download link.

    Please try it, I'm considering getting an EO as soon as tabletkiosk starts selling the fixed models.

  4. Link

    Let me check it, I'll post back in bout 2 hours if this works in the eo or not.

  5. Thanks for trying. It's really nice of you to get all this information out on the web.

  6. You just have paid me with your nice words!

  7. I tested Acrobat Reader and the screen rotation works perfectly.


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