Stowaway Sierra BT Keyboard from iGo.

The installation in Vista is very easy. You open your BT Wizard and search for a new device. In your BT Keyboard you press the little yellow "button" to switch the Stowaway Keyboard to discoverable mode.

After a few seconds you will see your Stowaway Keyboard in your list of BT Devices.

After that you can start using your keyboard.
The Stowaway Sierra BT Keyboards folds in 3 parts. The following 2 pictures shows how the hinge mechanism works.

Another point that I liked was that it uses a Regular AAA battery that can be found in any Groceries Store. According to the brochure that came with this keyboard, this battery should last around 3 months.

The next pictures show the keyboard folded ready to be taken to anywhere you go as the perfect tool for your mobile needs.
The Stowaway Sierra BT Keyboard is not just a keyboard very well made. It's the perfect combination between portability and usability and that can be easily seen form the very high SC reached by me in my tests. For the best portability designers try to shrink everything in the smaller size possible and that decrease the overall performance of these devices. This keyboard prove that you can have a small keyboard, very easy to carry with you and at the same time a keyboard with almost the same performance than a regular size keyboard.
I would like to thank iGo for sending me this keyboard for this review.
The Spanish Version of this review can be found here.
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