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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

MVPs are in Redmond

I have to confess that for me those MVP meetings at Redmond are irrelevant. They just have too many NDA that limit them to what they can say of what they are talking on those meetings. So at the end, there is not too much judge for as regular bloggers to blog about.

But, this year there is an exception. This year, Hugo Ortega is there blogging about everything he sees. Of course, I do not expect Hugo to break any of those NDA but Hugo is a natural born showman. He has the art of converting the irrelevant into a big show. Like for example, here is this video:

Would you do it better? No way... Hugo is Hugo and can be only one Hugo Ortega. There is only one other person that can use a video camera as well as Hugo: Chris Pirillo.

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