"The only way to be truly satisfied, is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do." Steve Jobs
Once "inking" gets into your veins you will never be able to live without it. Frank J. Garcia

Sunday, September 24, 2006

R2H First impressions

Asus released the R2H after 6 months of doing I don't know what. If you don't understand why I say this check this post.

So far, I have not found an UMPC that has been released free of "little" issues. Asus had 6 months to learn from the competition mistakes but if you check the list posted in the above link you will find problems that are common in all units current being marketed. And these issues are mostly relative with screen calibration and screen rotation.

Taking in consideration that Windows XP Tablet PC Edition is present in all of them and that the screen shape (800x480) is the same in all of them, I ask myself, are these signs of an Operating System that's not capable of handling the 800x480 resolution? And right after this first question a second one comes to my mind: is Microsoft taking these devices and this new resolution in consideration in the new coming Operating System Vista?

I Know for fact that Microsoft Origami Team never thought that users are going to want to use or ask for screen rotation and that they know about these calibration issues and that they know about screens/Windows included in the new office 2007 that were not designed taking in consideration the 800x480 resolution. So the last question that I ask myself is:

Is Microsoft really supporting this new Market? Come on Microsoft, We believe in this new market, are you believing?


  1. very good but no azerty.

  2. Actually, Windows Vista UI guidelines specifically state that 800x600 is the minimum resolution you should support. I think UMPC makers need to up the ante. Most developers won't put themselves through that pain.

    (See rule #3)

  3. I agree with you. I have a very hard time trying to fit all fields in a Database application for UMPCs in 800x480.


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