Back in March 2007 I was writing about a Spanish company that decided to replace all their PCs by UMPCs.
Agromillora Catalana SA is an International High Tech in vitro nursery that specializes in the production and marketing of plantlets and young trees of the highest quality.
They have plans to replace around 40 PCs with CRT monitors in each of their nursery rooms for eo v7110s with the help and guidance of todoUMPC, a company specialized in this new technology.

The above picture was sent to me at the beginning of this project. The next two pictures show the end result.

This is one of those cases where is too hard to describe with words the visual and psychological impact that you receive when you enter into a facility like this and you see all the old monitors and PC boxes replaced by this new technology. What are the advantages on this replacement? Energy saving coming from the replacement and from the AC Bill (UMPC release less heat than the old CRT monitors) and a better use of the available "productive" space.
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