"The only way to be truly satisfied, is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do." Steve Jobs
Once "inking" gets into your veins you will never be able to live without it. Frank J. Garcia

Monday, January 15, 2007

Protect your UMPC with BlueAccess

The developer of BlueAccess came out with a method to protect your UMPC that seems to me new. How this program works? Basically, you pair your UMPC with your BT phone and activate this program for the first time, configuring it in the way you want. After that, the only way to access your UMPC will be having your phone close to it. In another words, if the phone is not close to your UMPC or it's OFF. or the BT is OFF, no matter what you or somebody do, nobody will have access to your UMPC, keeping in this way all your data, programs, confidential information, etc, safe.


You can watch a video of how it works here. As you can see in there, if you turn off the BT in your phone, the device locks it self. Warning... The video has a horrendous music playing in the background, so be prepare to turn off the audio, you won't needed anyway.

You can download the demo or buy the program here.


  1. Sort of a nice idea. I can't imagine it helps power consumption on your PC/UMPC or your phone.

    I only know English and am too lazy to type the text into a translator from the screen shots. Can you tell what happens if you, say, lose your phone or it dies while the software is running?

  2. The software has English and Spanish Labels. ;)

    But... that's a good question, I asked the same thing to author and he said that you can gain control of your UMPC again using a USB Keyboard. Exactly I do not know. I'll have to ask how this work around works.


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