The SwitchBack is virtually one of those machines that you can take every where. And when I said everywhere that includes those places where you would think many times before you take a PC in there.
Once "inking" gets into your veins you will never be able to live without it. Frank J. Garcia
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
MScape Game Demo
All I know is that's something that HP is preparing. It's a game that use GPS and a machine, a powerful machine judging the graphics on it. is it a UMPC or a MID? I don't know.
The game seems to be a very interesting concept where the physical exercise is combined with some strategical thinking and probably some puzzles.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Spanish Company using UMPC
Back in March 2007 I was writing about a Spanish company that decided to replace all their PCs by UMPCs.
Agromillora Catalana SA is an International High Tech in vitro nursery that specializes in the production and marketing of plantlets and young trees of the highest quality.
They have plans to replace around 40 PCs with CRT monitors in each of their nursery rooms for eo v7110s with the help and guidance of todoUMPC, a company specialized in this new technology.
The above picture was sent to me at the beginning of this project. The next two pictures show the end result.
This is one of those cases where is too hard to describe with words the visual and psychological impact that you receive when you enter into a facility like this and you see all the old monitors and PC boxes replaced by this new technology. What are the advantages on this replacement? Energy saving coming from the replacement and from the AC Bill (UMPC release less heat than the old CRT monitors) and a better use of the available "productive" space.
A SP1 that does not fix a thing
I have waited to post anything about this SP1 Beta because I wanted to have the opinions of other users before I say this: Microsoft your SP1 is a completely useless piece of crap. And basically that's what James Kendrick tell us in his post at Jkontherun.
My initial impressions of a day's usage with SP1 are muddled as I can't see any real difference. Sleep and resume takes as long as before, I've timed that several times with both operations taking about 13 seconds. This corresponds with what I noted before installing SP1 so I don't see any real difference here. The Fuji still goes through extended bouts of intense disk activity occasionally so that hasn't changed. Other than that I can't see any real differences in operation from before SP1 so at this early stage after the upgrade it's pretty much a wash.
2 hours to install a SP! I used to install the OS in two hours, now we need more than two hours to install fixes and patches to it. Another one confirming the lack of any improvement in the overall performance is Rob Bushway.
Performance does not seem to be any better or worse than before SP 1. The memory footprint about the same: about 900 Mb after startup. Start up is still slow on my 2710p: 5 minutes from power up to all programs loaded up. SP 1 has not done anything to improve that or make it worse.
I'm using Vista in my Q1 and I love Vista. This is the best OS for a Tablet PC or UMPC ever made. But at the same time this has been the worse OS released by Microsoft only comparable to the completely useless Windows ME. To be the first OS version released without Bill Gates I would say that current Microsoft administration is not doing a good job. We need less pirouettes on the stage and a better OS.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Amazon Launches a Music Store
This is a really important move. Now all depend on us if we are going to really get rid of the DRM once and for ever or if we are going to see this store disappear thanks to those who keep feeding P2P servers.
Amazon today started selling MP3 files of 2 million songs from two of the four major labels — EMI and Universal Music -– as well as a bunch of independents.
Sony upgrade UX-series UMPC with 64bit CPU and 64GB SSD
Yesterday I was asking myself about the future of UMPCs and Tablet PCs and Today I got the answer in the shape of this news from SlashGear. The future of UMPC is guaranteed because we have Sony working for this market. In fact, if somebody can claim to be the first to explore the possibilities in this market, the first in create a UMPC and the first to have made one with enough power to move decently any OS (including Vista), That's Sony!
While the outside remains unchanged, inside the compact casing it’s a different matter. For the first time the UX range supports 64-bit CPUs, with Sony choosing Intel’s U2200 and U2100 Core 2 Solo processors (running at 1.20GHz and 1.06GHz respectively). There’s also a 32-bit Celeron M523 if you’re scared of all this 64-bit excitement, and the option to swap out the now-looking-a-bit-weedy 40GB hard-drive for a 64GB SSD.
Monday, September 24, 2007
is there a future for UMPC and Tablet PCs?
Today I read this article at UMPCBuzz where Layne Heiny wrote:
Microsoft abandoned the Tablet PC and UMPC teams - just like most observers decided they would years ago. Because the enthusiasts were too busy and being too nice to Microsoft they missed the story.
In fact, many tech enthusiasts still do not see the great pull-out that happened over the last year. With the huge reorganization at Microsoft - Gates is gone - and so too is the dream of ubiquitous handwriting on Mobile Systems. No one from Microsoft is an evangelist for Tablet PCs and UMPCs. No one stands up and talks about the Tablet PC or UMPC as if there is any need to discuss the product**.
I'm sure that many have thought the same thing when the news of Gates departure from Microsoft was released. Gates was the heart of the Tablet PC Concept and without him this concept could end sooner than what many have thought. The fact that Vista includes handwriting recognition and the fact that this one is a lot better than what we had before in XP is to me a sign that Tablet PCs and UMPCs have a future. I agree with Layne, things at Microsoft are not the same. The UMPC definition is a whole disaster and that thanks in part to Microsoft who never defined clearly what should be called UMPC and that's part of the reason why now we see "things" that can just run a weak version of a want-to-be Internet browser being called UMPC. And that hurts the concept. The Origami Team still working, I know that, but his presence is gone. They have posted two times the last months at Origami Project site but the posts lack of the energy needed to keep a community interested. More need to be done.
Like Layne I'm in love with UMPCs. They have given me what I could not find in Pocket PCs and before in the already dead concept of Handheld PCs. And I think that there is market that needs this devices but they need some guidance too and they need the enthusiasms coming from Microsoft and OEMs involved in this new technology.
Adding a SD Card Reader to an eo
I could not believe it until I saw the pictures. A few weeks ago Daniel from ThoughtFix, added a USB Hub to his eo v7110 but...
Two open USB ports inside my eo were nagging me. I decided to hack it again - this time with an SD card reader.
The things this guy is doing to his UMPC are hard to believe just to put it in some way, and I doubt that somebody else is going to follow his instructions but it's always interesting to see what can be done to this devices. is not it?
Friday, September 21, 2007
Asus preparing a new UMPC, the R2E
One of the Origami Project Forum Members found today a piece of information where can be seen the newest UMPC from Asus, the R2E.
Asus R2E UMPC, 7" WVGA, 1.8" 40GB-100GB, WiFi, HSDPA, RJ-45
Another interesting detail is that in that same event Computex 2007 of Intel, Samsung presented a version of its Q1U using Linux. An option that seems to me a lot more efficient for the weak A110 processor.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Asus R3 revealed in more detail
More details are found by UMPCPortal about this new device, The Asus R3:
5.6" screen, 1024x600 (jkk thinks it's 4.8. Could be.)
Fingerprint reader
Mouse pointer
I have to say that I never liked the design of the R2H, it was just terrible. But this one looks good.
Update: It uses Linux, I still not sure if this is a MID or a UMPC.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Asus is cooking something new
Yes, according to some pictures found by UMPCPortal, it seems that Asus is making a new UMPC or MID, is not clear yet. All that is known is thanks to this picture.
Unfortunately that's all the information available at this moment.
Fujitsu LifeBook U810 Tablet PC Review by LAPTOP Magazine
Laptop Magazine gave the Fujitsu Lifebook U810 also known as U1010 3.5 starts out of 5.
The first clamshell convertible in a UMPC form factor, Fujitsu's LifeBook U810 is a strong contender in a growing field, despite some quirks. We're still apprehensive about this mini-PC category, and we'd like to see a mobile broadband option, but at only $999, the U810 has a lot to offer highly mobile users who are in the market for a companion to a primary PC
I also think that a broadband option should be a mandatory feature in the UMPC category.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Screen rotation for T700 and T770
Yes, the tool that many have been asking for has been released at todoUMPC Forum! And the best of all... FREE!
Monday, September 17, 2007
The T2010 under Ctitanic's magnifying glass
What to write about a machine that never have been said before? What to write about the Fujitsu Lifebook T2010? What to write to get your attention? That was my task in this article.
With that in mind I took the T2010 sent to me for this review by Alliance Technology Partners and started to run some tests.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Samsung Q1 Ultra specs is misleading
If you are planning to buy the Samsung Q1 Ultra be aware of this situation. In order to save some money or to mislead customers, that I don't know for sure, Samsung is describing in its site and all the documentation the Q1 Ultra as a device with BT integrated. But the fact is that the model currently being sold (NP-Q1UAY01) does not have BT.
Both Samsung Q1 Ultra microsite and official pdf states Bluetooth on model NP-Q1UAY01 but customers are getting it without!!!
I share the same concern than JKK. People one buying a product and they are getting a different one! Samsung should stop this practice as soon as possible. Stop playing with our pockets.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Testing the Fujitsu Lifebook T2010
I'm currently testing a Fujitsu T2010 provided by and I'll be writing about it in the next few days. But in the meantime here is a short video of one of the benchmarks that I'm running on this machine.
I'll be returning this Tablet PC next Monday so if anybody has a question or anything that you want me to check, just let me know.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Fujitsu LifeBook U1010 Review
This is what GearDiary think about the U1010 from Fujitsu:
What I Like: Ultra-portable form factor, good video performance, reasonable price.
What Needs Improvement: 800 x 480 pixels should be a screen resolution option, a Pentium M would’ve been a better choice of processors, the keyboard is too small for touch typing.
I always recommend anybody thinking about to buy a 5 inches UMPC to check one personally because if you have poor eyes you won't be able to use them at all. Seriously. But in another hand they are super portable.
Fujitsu announces Loox U50XNX
Steve at UMPCPortal found this one today:
According to a press release today, Fujitsu Japan and NTT have entered into a deal to offer the HSDPA version of the U50/U1010/U810/8240 through an online sales partner. As you can see, they've modded it slightly to include the antenna. The bundle includes a new 'capped' data plan (10,500 Yen max) which I assume you have to sign up for with the device. Which brings to question the reason why this model costs nearly 20% MORE than the non-hsdpa version. In Europe, if you sign up for a 24 month data contract you expect to save money.
I have to say that the first time I saw the U1010 I thought for myself, this is just horrible. But after a while looking to different pictures of this UMPC I started to like it. Now I find this latest model "very attractive". I really no so excited with the HSDPA connectivity, I would like better to see a model with WiMax on it.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Well, it's actually a UMPC
When it's not a UMPC they call them UMPCs, and when it's a UMPC then they say that it's not a UMPC. Check the title of this article.
Say hello to Fujitsu's Lifebook U810. The palm-sized notebook (you can see just how small it really is over at Crave) weighs a scant 1.56 pounds, but packs a 5.6 inch swiveling touchscreen, an ultra slim QWERTY keyboard, biometric fingerprint reader, integrated camera, an energy efficient Ultra Low Power Intel A110 processor and 40GB hard drive. It supports Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Wireless WAN, and users will be able to run their choice of Windows Vista Business, Vista Home Premium, or XP Tablet PC. It'll be available on September 18 starting at $999. Can't wait!
4.68 millions UMPC units by 2012
This news is coming from ZDNet:
In a report, ABI is projecting that the UMPC market will ship 4.68 million units in 2012. Considering the iPhone shipped 1 million units in 74 days UMPC adoption seems downright glacial.
However, if UMPCs are lumped in with mobile Internet devices (MIDs) the picture is much more optimistic. ABI estimates shipments of both categories will approach 95 million units by 2012.
I never knew that compare apples versus bananas was right. Because that's how looks to me the comparison between iPhones and UMPCs. If you go around you will find more cell phones than PCs in any USA family. Add to that that the iPhone serves also as a mp3 player. 4.68 Millions seems to me like a lot of UMPCs but I think that we should see more of them by 2012. And the reason why is because I really think that by 2012 the technology will be a lot cheaper and with a lower price sales will increase a lot. If you don't believe me just remember what happens every time that Woot sells the Q1 for less than 700 dollars... it last just few minutes. Another change in the technology that will help UMPC is the implementation of new technologies like WiMax which is just starting in USA. Imagine how attractive can be the idea of being connected to Internet at high speed everywhere you go. Have you heard of Internet Addiction?
By 2012 UMPCs are going to be more compact, lighter, going to have real "all time high speed Internet connectivity" and will have a battery life of more than 8 hours. In another words, the perfect tool to feed your Internet Addiction.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Amtek T770 UMPC with SSD and HSDPA
Our friend and college JKK has published a video of how he installed a SDD and a HSDPA modem in a Amtek T770.
Really amazing job!
iUnlock, the first free, open source iPhone SIM unlock software
The system does not work. It's built to defend companies interests but not consumers. If you buy a phone you should be able to use it with any service provider. If you buy a song online, you should be able to play it in what ever mp3 player can play that file format. So, here you go. The iPhone can be unlocked now for free according to this news published in Engaget, page that tested the system to be sure that it works.
iUnlock, the first free, open source iPhone SIM unlock app, was released to the underground just 74 days after the iPhone's release. Developed by the iPhone Dev Team, it's not (yet) for the faint of heart and it takes a little longer to do its magic than iPhoneSIMfree's method, but it works.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
ViaArena presents The Amtek T770 UMPC
This is what the Amtek T700 should have been. A device with a good performance to be a VIA, that performs very well while playing videos, a device that even when it still warm it does not get really hot like the T700 did. You can read a review about this device that I wrote a while ago here, and enjoy this wonderful video review from ViaArena.
The Amtek T770 is a UMPC with a great set of speakers, highly accurate touch screen and a crisp 7 inch screen. This video shows you all of its features.
Monday, September 10, 2007
iPhoneSIMfree finally went online
Yes, so you can use now the 100 dollars that Steve Job gave you back to unlock your iPhone at iPhoneSIMfree according to news just published at Engaget, a page that has been following this whole adventure.
After numerous delays and endless cries of "hoax!", it looks like the iPhoneSIMfree iPhone unlocking software is finally available for purchase from four online retailers around the world. Wireless Imports in the US, iPhoneWorldwideUnlock in Australia, 1digitalphone in Germany, and iPhone4arab in Saudi Arabia (currently down) have all purchased bulk licenses from the iPhoneSIMfree team and are selling individual unlocks for around $100 (Update: that price is just from the US retailer, it seems; looks like the Aussies are letting it go for under 50 bucks American. Also, the hackintosh community is already busy at work trying to snatch these sites' code as we speak).
Screen resolution and Battery Life are linked
Probably many of you remember this post where I tried to prove that screen resolution and performance are linked. We all know that performance and battery life are also linked. More performance means less battery life, at least in all the UMPCs that we know so far. Well, here is a post of Kaz911 interviewing Kevin Chen from HTC where he says clearly:
The screen is only 7" and since power consumption has to be low, HTC decided on the low resolution screen.
So, running at a lower resolution could help you to save some battery life because it helps with the overall performance of the machine.
Beside this note, this interview brought some bad news for those waiting for the HTC Shift. It seems that this device will not have voice capability but just data capability. In another words, you will be able to browse the web using your cell phone service provider but you will not be able to make phone calls.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Intel preparing “Montevina SFF”
According to this news published Today at X-Bit Labs:
In an attempt to boost sales of microprocessors for thin-and-light notebooks as well as ultra-mobile personal computers (UMPC), Intel Corp. plans to reduce the packaging sizes of its chips for next-generation Montevina small form-factor (Montevina SFF) platform due out in 2008.
I hope that Intel shows us something a little better than current McCaslin processors which bring more battery life cutting off performance.
BTW, I'm posting this from my Q1 while waiting for a oil change in my car. I love this company, they have a WiFi AP with free Internet!
Friday, September 07, 2007
is the iPod Touch a MID?
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I would call it a duck. It has a closed OS, it allows you to browse the Web and send emails and it has touch screen of less than 5 inches. Every thing within the parameters described by Intel for this concept.
So what do you think, is the iPod Touch a MID?
Sorry but the Foleo was not a UMPC
The press still does not know what is a UMPC. If they knew it they never would say something like this:
So I took the news of the Foleo’s demise a little hard. Our own Rob Enderle pointed to the Foleo as a precursor to something big in the UMPC space, but most critics apparently were right when they said that you’d be just as well off buying a laptop. Got one of those, thanks.
Ok, so lets start with the concept that most of us recognize as a UMPC:
- It runs a full OS that will allow you to run any of the applications that we run in our Desktop PCs.
- It's capable of fully browse the web without any type of restrictions or any special version of the browser to reshape pages to fit on the screen.
- It uses a touch screen (or any other kind of digitizer), maximum size 7 inches, minimum size around 5 inches.
- Integrated keyboard is an option but could not be present in some devices.
Now lets analyze the Foleo:
- It was not using a full OS version. It was reported here the limited multimedia support of that OS.
- It was not fully capable of browsing the web and this was reported here too.
- It did not have a Touch Screen or any kind of digitizer and the screen size was 10 inches, which classifies in the Subnotebook category.
- It has a keyboard!!!
So basically if you really check the Foleo, it did not classify even in the Notebook or Subnotebook category. Just to be honest, I even do not know how to classify this "thing". It has the OS of a MID but it's a lot bigger than a MID, it has the size of the subnotebook but it has the OS of a MID.
Thanks God it's dead. That was the best decision Palm has taken in the last 2 years. That thing was huge, that thing was under-powered and that thing was useless.
And one thing was for sure, that thing was not a UMPC. So the UMPCs did not lost anything with Palm canceling this project. And the only one winner on all this was Palm. There are moments when it's a really good idea to calm down, sit down and think: What the f... I was doing?
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Go with Vista to safe money
With all due respect, what this study does not say is when you are going to see your savings? And I say this because from my own experience anything that you could have saved in the first year you will have to use it buying hardware that do not support Vista and probably drivers are not planned to be released, upgrading software that it's not longer compatible with Vista - for example, your AntiVirus - or buying new software because there is not any update for some of the programs that you are currently using. So yes, you are probably are going to see some savings but most likely after a year or two.
According to research conducted by Wipro and GCR Custom Research and released Wednesday, total cost of ownership for Windows XP is $4,407 annually, while Vista's cost is $3,802. The $4,407 figure was derived from costs of hardware, software, IT labor, and user costs. Mobile PCs were the focus because these units will outship desktop systems by 2010, said Hiroshi Sakakibara, product manager for Windows Product Management at Microsoft.
It's time to go public with this: ECS is not cooperating in the release of Vista Drivers.
In the last few days in my role of Consulter for todoUMPC/Farandsoft I have been trying to get some support for i7210/09 owners who have decided to upgrade this device made by ECS to Vista. While TabletKiosk have done a super human job trying to find/hunt drivers for this device, ECS have been very uncooperative in this situation. So I have decided to go public with my contacts with ECS.
Click in the picture to zoom it.
Gigabyte UMPC launched in India
has anybody bought this yet? This one has been launched in every where but the fact is that I have not seen it sold neither in Europe or USA. The news comes from
Gigabyte has launched its Ultra Mobile Personal Computer (UMPC), the U60, in India.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Packard Bell says EasyNote is not a UMPC
Yesterday when I posted about the new EasyNote from Packard Bell, I started my post asking if that could be called a UMPC. Well, it seems to me that they were reading it because today Reg Hardware is publishing the following note:
When a manufacturer unveils a computer with a 7in display but with practically notebook-class capabilities, most observers might assume it's a UMPC. However, Packard Bell claims the latest addition to its EasyNote range really is a notebook - it just happens to runs on a UMPC chipset.
I have been thinking about the whole UMPC name since Yesterday and I think that probably UMPC is a very wide name where even this device could be included. In another hand there is a group of users where I'm included that consider a UMPC only those devices where any type of digitizer is included (preferably a Touch one). And the main point is that if you are looking to buy a Tablet PC you don't go around looking or reading specs of Notebooks. But if devices without digitizer are included under the category of UMPC then what we can do about it? How to avoid this situation? Would be better if we start calling devices with digitizers UMTPC?
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
What’s the wear level of your battery?
That's the question RodFather is asking on his blog.
It’s not much of a secret for Q1 owners that the battery wear rate of the lithium batteries are horrible. It’s expected that lithium batteries wear down over time due to factors of age and heat. With the Q1, the rate at which they deteriorate is much higher. I don’t know much about battery technology so I don’t know if it’s the circuitry in the Q1 or the batteries itself that causes the problem.
I have a wearing of 19% on my 3 cells 11 month old Q1 battery.I use the battery around 30 minutes every day the rest of the time the Oh is used connected to power. On weekends I run on battery more time but never the battery level reach less than 40%.
Palm canceled the Foleo
The first smart move I have seen coming from Palm in a very long time. The news came from Palm Blog.
In the course of the past several months, it has become clear that the right path for Palm is to offer a single, consistent user experience around this new platform design and a single focus for our platform development efforts. To that end, and after careful deliberation, I have decided to cancel the Foleo mobile companion product in its current configuration and focus all of our energies on delivering our next generation platform and the first smartphones that will bring this platform to market. We will, of course, continue to develop products in partnership with Microsoft on the Windows Mobile platform, but from our internal platform development perspective, we will focus on only one.
Fujitsu Lifebook T4220 Tablet PC Review
If UMPCs have not convinced you yet and you want something more powerful them you should check this Tablet PC from Fujitsu: Lifebook T4220, reviewed by
The Fujitsu T4220 Tablet PC is an excellent machine all around. It looks good, feels good and has a screen that will spoil you for life. With its bi directional hinge and Core™ 2 Duo Processor this Tablet looks to be an excellent choice for students, road warriors and everyone in between.
The exceptional screen quality of the Fujitsu makes it easy to use for long periods of time and a pleasure to watch a movie on.
While the T4020 did an admirable job with only one gig of memory installed, like anything else running Windows Vista, the T4020 would definitely benefit from a minimum 2 gigs of memory.
UMPC Market Status
CCID Consulting is a Chinese consulting company that recently has published this article about UMPCs:
Ultra-Mobile PC (UMPC) is a product that falls between PCs and mobile phones. It has been several years since this concept was first put forward and more than a year that since UMPC products were placed on the market. The response has been no cause for optimism. Currently, UMPC user groups are rather monolithic. In the personal consumption market, its users are mainly business people who have high requirements for portability and players, and who are enthusiastic about new devices. The industry market itself has high requirements for its handheld equipment, such as transportation (traffic police/civil aviation), public security, logistics and high-end catering services. In addition to high requirements for the product, applications for it are still often in an exploratory stage. Purchases are not big.
Currently, UMPC faces several of the following development problems:
1. Price. Compared with the popular price of mobile phone, UMPC's minimum price of over 7,000 Yuan and maximum price of almost 20,000 Yuan are a little too high for most interested consumers. Especially with notebook prices continuing to fall, UMPC has no price advantage.
2. Battery life. Battery life is one of UMPCs' fatal weaknesses. Its often stressed portability/multi-functionality all require battery support. However, current UMPCs only have a use time of 3-5h, far from meeting the long duration/multi-thread processing needs, let alone entertainment and other additional functions. In addition, high heat diffusion caused by high integration levels is also a problem in need of solving.
3. Marketing channels. The sales channels chosen for UMPCs is different from other related products such as PCs, mobile phones and digital products and is an important factor that affects product promotion.
4. Product maturity and recognition. Currently, UMPCs are still in an exploratory stage. Its output display, dimensions and functions all need to be improved. Also, mainstream PC firms such as HP, Dell and Lenovo have yet to introduce relevant products. There are few users who truly understand the product.
5. Functions. The current UMPC products on the market only have the functions of an ordinary PC. GPS and digital TV receiving functions, which have been used abroad, have not been fully applied to the new products. Additionally, the product is somewhat difficult to operate. Several keyboard models need to be attached. The connection mode also needs to be improved.
Currently, upstream firms including Microsoft, Intel, VIA and AMD all have been paying more attention to UMPCs. OEM firms are also adjusting their corresponding product lines. If product prices can be lowered to a certain extent, personal demand will grow in an explosive manner. Sectors such as government, healthcare and energy would likely increase inputs into mobile terminals. In this way, market prospects looks promising. Of course, in addition to the impact of notebook PCs with falling prices and nicer exterior designs, UMPCs also face competition from mobile phones, Blackberries and other smart mobile phones. It is believed that if UMPC can truly solve the above problems, it can find its place in the seam between PCs and mobile phones. In other words, it is possible that the three can be integrated into one body.
Interesting article. That's all can say beside that I agree that if price of these devices goes down we are going to see the demand grow in an explosive manner.
can the EasyNote XS be called UMPC?
Well, if anything below the 7 inches can be considered a UMPC then... this is a UMPC. And I ask this question because then this would be the first UMPC without a touch screen or digitizer.
At the IFA 2007 show, the notebook maker showcased its latest UMPC entree, the EasyNote XS.
The fact is that Packard Bell has presented at IFA 2007 its extra small and extra "ugly" UMPC: the EasyNote XS.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Chippy made it!
Wow! Chippy, I'm contacting Al Gore with your information.I hope you can teach him how to go "really" green!
Wooooooohoooooooo! Total distance covered: 450km over 10 days. UMPC, Phone, Camera, GPS and Torch all topped up from Solar energy. I made it!
Vista Flip 3D in your first generation UMPC
If you are one of those who think that Vista without Flip 3D is not Vista, or you still using XP in your UMPC but you want to have this feature in your machine, then you need TopDesk.
I have been using this tool for about a week and I love it.
From your UMPC to your TV using a GXP 2000
I recently had the opportunity to test the Grandtec Grand Ultimate XP GXP 2000 PC to TV converter. I have to say that while I was really impressed with how the Samsung Q1 performed in this task I was not impressed at all with this converter. It took me a long time to set it in my Toshiba HD TV 42" to get a view where I could read the letters or the screen of any opened application. In a Sanyo 22" TV was just impossible. I have to say that I tested the RCA Video connection and the S-Video but this converter has and RGB out and a Component Video out which should give better video out to your HD TV.
Watching video the GXP 2000 performed a lot better but the picture was not that sharp like the one I was getting in the Q1. Despite all this I decided to watch a movie this Sunday afternoon using my 15 hours per month of Instant Movies from Netflix.
The first problem was Network connectivity. I do have WiFi at home but the speed of it did not convince me for this task so I decided to use a Netgear Wall-plugged Bridge XE102. I have been using these bridges to connect my Tivo via Slingbox to my WiFi Router located in another room of my house and I'm really very pleased with them. And I was right, the Netflix player connected to a higher speed than using the Q1 WiFi Card and higher speed means better image quality.
One video clip in cases like this says more than 1000 words so here it's:
You can find more pictures of the GXP 2000 here.
You can find PC to TV converter in the range of $50 to $120. This one is sold for around $90. While this one performed Ok playing movies if was almost unusable reading a web page or any kind of small text. So in a scale from 1 to 10, I would give this a 6.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
InkSeine: Find Your Stuff With Ink
I found another video of this application at Youtube.
InkSeine is a prototype inking application from Microsoft Research that offers the unique ability to search for stuff directly from ink, without transcribing queries to a search box somewhere else.
InkSeine's in-place search capability offers a really slick way to get at all your stuff (emails, documents, web pages, design diagrams, etc.) without having to deal with the file system or switch to a separate "search application" that pulls you out of the intimate pen-and-ink experience-- which, after all, is what the Tablet PC is all about.
When your searches turn up stuff you need, you can just drag any document, email, or web page into your notes. It becomes a little icon that lets you get at the document in a fraction of a second whenever you need it again. It's a great way to bring together and work with all the stuff that you need for your projects.
The Tablet PC offers a terrific sandbox for ideation and creative design sketching: inking is great for thinking. InkSeine pushes this experience to the max while using its great search capabilities to enable you to access all the content on your tablet-- all the files, emails, documents, web sites, and other information that you need in order to think through a problem and decide what to do or what to try next.
For more information on InkSeine visit