"The only way to be truly satisfied, is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do." Steve Jobs
Once "inking" gets into your veins you will never be able to live without it. Frank J. Garcia

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Press Release from TabletKiosk

TabletKiosk® Upgrades Sahara Slate PC® i500 line of Enterprise Tablets
with New Intel® Processors and Expanded Functionality
Newest Tablet PCs Feature Enhanced Graphics Performance, Greatly Improved Battery Life, Integrated Front and Rear Facing Cameras, and True RS-232 Serial Connectivity.
Torrance, CA, June 20, 2013 TabletKiosk, a leading provider of slate-style Tablet PCs and customized mobility solutions for the enterprise, today announced two new additions to its flagship line of 12.1” Tablet PCs. The Sahara Slate PC i575 and Sahara Slate PC i535 are premium, enterprise-grade Tablet PCs powered by 3rd generation Intel® Core™ vPro™ processors and offer enhanced performance and security features, greatly improved battery life and expanded connectivity. 
The new Sahara Slate PC i575 and i535 Tablet PCs offer many upgraded features over the existing models that make them even more valuable for business use, including:
·         Improved performance, greatly enhanced battery life, and hardware embedded security features with 3rd generation Intel Core vPro™ processors
·         User upgradable to 16GB of RAM and 1.0TB HDD or 480GB SSD
·         Built-in front and rear facing cameras
·         2x USB 3.0 ports, DisplayPort 1.2 and Gigabit Ethernet (RJ45)
·         WiFi 802.11a/b/g/n and Bluetooth 4.0 (LE) Dual Mode
·         A true—not USB emulated—RS-232 Serial Port for interoperability with legacy industrial devices
“I am very excited about the release of these new Sahara Slate PC Tablet PCs and the incredible value they offer our enterprise customers,” said Martin Smekal, President and CEO of TabletKiosk. “In addition to improved battery life and security features, the new Sahara Slate PCs feature a true RS-232 serial interface to control and communicate with legacy equipment used in various industries including Diagnostic Automotive Testing, HVAC system control, Advanced A/V systems and CNC manufacturing.”  
To extend the backward and forward compatibility between product generations, all of the same interchangeable accessories created for the original Sahara Slate PC i500 models can be used with the new Sahara Slate PC i575 and i535. Additionally to ensure operating system continuity for large scale deployments, the two new models will run Windows® 7 Professional, Windows® 8 Pro or Linux. 
“Because the new Sahara Slate PC i500 tablets are based on 3rd generation Intel® Core™ vPro™ processors, customers can be confident that they will have the compatibility, performance and security features needed in the most demanding commercial environments,” said Jason Kennedy, Intel Business Client Marketing Director. “In addition, these tablets offer the durability, functionality, and flexibility needed for computing on the go, anywhere at any time.”
Sahara Slate PC i575 and i535 Tablet PCs will begin shipping at the end of June. For additional details, pricing, or to place an order please visit www.tabletkiosk.com.
About TabletKiosk
TabletKiosk is an early innovator of business Tablet PC solutions for the enterprise and was one of the first to offer touch screen enabled Windows tablets. The company regularly integrates modern technology with key legacy components to create forward thinking mobile systems, while still providing backwards compatibility and long product life cycles.
As a manufacturer and distributer of proven mobile computing solutions since 2003, the company’s line of Tablet PCs, including the Sahara Slate PC, has been widely used in Healthcare, Hospitality, Government and Manufacturing both as TabletKiosk branded and OEM / private label deployments. For more information about TabletKiosk, visit www.tabletkiosk.com.
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Sunday, June 09, 2013

Bestbuy approved the Surface RT

This is the type of TV Adds that Microsoft should be shooting about the Surface RT, videos that show what this device is good at. Showing it doing what the iPad can't do.

Sunday, June 02, 2013

What do you do in your Surface RT?

Recently I read this question in one of the pages about the Surface hardware around the web and I found the question interesting enough to make me create an account to answer the question. And here is what I wrote:

In my case probably would be easy to say those things that I don't do in my Surface RT. I have been using for more than 20 years all kind of mobile computers as my main PC, from Laptops, TabletPC, UMPC and Tablets. When I began using UMPCs I quickly comprehended that those and later on the Tablets are companion PCs, they are here to complement our computing needs in an era of full connectivity and constant communication. And about two years ago I bought an iPad 2 which I quickly converted and my only PC I used at home and that forced me to find workarounds to all the shortcomings of the iPad + the Tablet platform. The solution, very simple, prepare a PC as you home media server. With that PC constantly on I connected my iPad to it to do everything could not be done in the iPad. That configuration is to me the ideal for those willing to forget the idea of having to sit at home on front of a desk to use a PC. Later last year when Microsoft released the Surface RT I was one of the first ones to get one.

My set up and experience with my ex-iPad served me to overcome the lack of applications in the first few months after the release. So once again I'm using my Surface RT as my primary PC at home, connecting to my Media Server using remote desktop whenever I do tasks that can't be done in my Surface RT. For example, copying and converting a DVD movie to mkv. Why I should even think about using the limited Surface resources for a task like that? Yes, it could be probably done in a Surface RT if the needed Software becomes available but the fact is that you can't pack yet in any Tablet the amount of hardware resources that you can put in any desktop. So it's more logical to just connect remotely to a desktop and from your surface control remotely the tasks/Software needed to copy and convert a DVD. The same thing happen with other activities such as video editing, etc.

Comparing my iPad 2 with my Surface RT, I gained with the RT the control of my device, something that I never fully had in my iPad which I had to constantly jailbreak to have just some control. I'm enjoying my Surface RT every single day. And I do in or from my Surface RT everything I need to do in a PC.